
Hungarian Nocturne - Ch. 16

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Waterfiish's avatar

Literature Text

WARNING: Contains contents which some may find offensive; if you do not believe love between two individuals of the same gender is acceptable then please turn away now. : )

Disclaimer: I do not own these historical figures.

NOTE: This story will be written in Script format with narration done by one of the characters. And PLEASE do not expect absolute historical accuracies in my story; I like to make things up here and there. Thank you, and happy reading.


Delacroix Narration: Weeks passed and Liszt saw Chopin more in those days than all year. It was as if he thought after Chopin’s marriage they wouldn’t be able to see each other. Even stranger was on part of Chopin, who, despite of juggling with many students and social events, welcomed Liszt’s visits.

However, Liszt was not always alone when visiting Chopin; he was often accompanied by little presents. Marie lifted a delicate eyebrow at this strange behaviour but never commented, as Chopin was still a man and she was in no place to stop her lover from doting on his friends, as silly as that was.

One particular morning, Liszt arrived extra early to catch a few moments before both their hectic schedules took off. He was invited in by Madame Rubio, Chopin’s maid, as Chopin was still taking a morning bath.

Rubio: *Brings Liszt tea* You’ve arrived earlier than we expected, monsieur.

Liszt: *Flashes a charming grin* I apologize.

Rubio: It’s quite alright, except you would have to wait for monsieur Chopin for quite a few moments, as his hairstylist has yet come to groom him.

Liszt: *Wide eyed with amusement* Hairstylist?!

Rubio: *Does not look surprised at all* Well, yes; you didn’t think the man woke up with carefully done hair did you?

Liszt: *Laughs heartily* I did not know!

Rubio: *Smiles a little* Monsieur Chopin’s had the barber down the street come do his hair every morning, starting shortly after he arrived in Paris.

Liszt: *Leans forward in interest* Really now?

Rubio: *Purses her lips* I believe I’ve said too much. Good day, monsieur; I have many things to do.

Liszt: *Nods a little, eyes still sparkling in amusement*

*Scene shows Liszt sitting in the living room, quietly sipping on the tea and waiting for Chopin*

Liszt looked around the room while he waited, taking in the familiar furniture and noticing small changes as some flowers were replaced by new ones. All was quiet, until a blood-hurling scream sounded from the direction of the bed chambers.

Liszt: *Jumps out of the seat and almost knocking over the tea at the loud scream* *Hands shoot out to stop the rattling of the tea ware as his legs hit the table* *Runs out of the living room in few large strides*

Rubio: *Runs out from the kitchen, spots Liszt looking down the hall* Monsieur-*points at the end of the hall*

Liszt: *Without a word, sprints down the hall with concern* *Throws the door open*

Liszt’s eyes quickly scanned the room in a single sweep and rested upon Chopin, who was standing on top of his bed, eyes wide, face pale, lips open, wearing only a thin bathrobe, as a violently shaking hand pointed at his writing table.

Liszt: *Frowns in confusion, walks over to the writing desk*

Chopin: NO!

Liszt: *Jolts to an abrupt stop, eyes wide as Chopin startled him*

Chopin: *Round eyes staring at the desk* Slowly.

Liszt: *Carefully approaches the table*

Chopin: *Whispering* It’s-It’s under those papers.

Liszt: *With a few wide eyed glances back at Chopin, slowly walks over to the desk, and lifts the papers*

*An enormous spider springs out from under the pile*

Liszt: *Jumps back* ACK!

Chopin: AHH!! *Back hits the wall*

Liszt: *Jolting as Chopin’s scream startles him more* *Eyes wide as the spider crawls around the floor at amazing speed* *Jumping back out of surprise*

Chopin: *Points at the spider* FRANZ--!!

Liszt: *Eyes widen as the spider charges right towards him* *With a grunt of shock and purely reflex reaction, stomps on the massive black creature*

Chopin: *Gasps as Liszt stomps on it*

The moment remained still as the two composers stood like statues in their positions, eyes unblinking, staring at Liszt’s foot.

Chopin: *Voice small* D-Did you kill it…?

Liszt: *Blinks a few times* You…might want to look away Frederyk. I doubt it’d be a pretty site.

Chopin: *Face pales dramatically and turns around*

Shuffling could be heard as Liszt grabbed a piece of paper and, with a look of disgust, scrubbed at the bottom of his shoe and the floor.

Liszt: *Sighs* What do you keep in your room, Frederyk? I’ve never seen a spider as big as that one.

Chopin: *Not speaking, plops down onto his bed as his legs become too shaky*

Liszt: *Turns and frowns in concern* Frederyk?

Chopin: *Puts a hand on his chest, breaths quick and shallow* I’ve never seen one that big either…I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren't here to rescue me Franz…

Liszt: *Slowly walks over to the bed* I suppose you don’t like unexpected visitors.

Chopin: I am deathly petrified by them…*mumbles* hideous creatures…*Closes his eyes and takes a deep, shaky breath*

Liszt: *Carefully puts his hands on Chopin’s shoulders* Are you alright?

Chopin: Y-Yes, I am now. Thank you.

Liszt: *Nods, starts rubbing Chopin’s back absentmindedly*

Chopin: *Takes another deep breath to calm himself*

As the pianists sat on Chopin’s bed, with Liszt’s hand softly rubbing Chopin’s back, a full comprehension of what had just occurred dawned to the duo. Chopin’s face began to flush a deep crimson as Liszt started to take notice of how wet Chopin’s hair was, and how the silk bathrobe stuck on his moist skin.

Liszt: *Coughs a little to end the awkward silence*

Chopin: *Head tilted down, embarrassed*

Liszt: I-*Clears his throat* -I am glad nothing serious happened.

Chopin: *Nods slightly* As do I…as do I…

Liszt: *Looks over at Chopin*

Chopin felt Liszt’s eyes on him, and his cheeks grew hotter. He thought his Hungarian friend was probably still shocked, or amused maybe, at the whole situation and how he reacted. Liszt was probably wondering why a man would jump onto his bed and scream bloody murder at something as small as a spider, despite of how abnormally large it was, Chopin thought in shame.

In truth, Liszt was transfixed by things entirely different.

Chopin’s hair was still wet, no doubt had yet been towel dried even. Beads of water drops from the tips of his hair rolled down his back and disappeared into the bathrobe. Liszt’s eyes shifted as the water seemed to be guiding his eyes. Chopin’s hands were clenched around the front of the robe, tugging the fabrics up. Liszt noticed then how thin his Polish friend actually was; he had such a slender frame and small bones it was hard to believe this body belonged to a male. Chopin’s legs were sprawled out under him. Liszt glanced down. They were completely hairless; smooth skin almost shinning in paleness. Liszt frowned in wonder at how a full-grown man could be entirely untouched by a single strand of hair on his legs. Eyes shifting up to Chopin’s face, Liszt saw how red they were, and how close he was, in fact, leaning into the smaller body.

A blush crossed his own cheeks, and he sheepishly looked down, uncharacteristically flustered.

Liszt: Well-*Gives Chopin’s back a gentle pat* -I will…wait for you outside then.

Chopin: Yes…that would be wonderful…*Head still tilted down*

Liszt: *Nods, though Chopin can’t see* *Gets up from his position and leaves the room, closing the door behind him*

A small while later, the barber came through the door and went to his job after a brief “hello” to Liszt. Another small while later, Chopin emerged, chatting with the barber in a small, pleasant voice, dressed and groomed.

Liszt: *Gets up from his seat and smiles respectfully as the barber tips his hat at him and leaves*

Chopin: *Seeing the barber out, returns to the living room*

Liszt: *Flashes a smile, keen on pretending nothing happened*

Chopin: *Catching onto his purpose* *Smiles back* Please be seated, my dear friend.

Liszt: *Sits down as Chopin finds his spot opposite of him* I’m sorry to intrude at such early hours.

Chopin: No, it’s fine. *Shakes his head lightly*

Liszt: *Eyes blink as a look of realization hits him* You have yet had breakfast!

Chopin: *Looks at Liszt* Ah yes well-

Liszt: Please, by all means Frederyk, do eat. *Head perks up* Madame Rubio-

Rubio: *Appears at the door* Yes, monsieur?

Liszt: -please bring monsieur Chopin’s breakfast.

Chopin: *Sitting up and looking back at his maid*

Rubio: Very well. *Bows her head a little as she turns away to the kitchen*

Chopin: *Looks back at Liszt* It-It would be rude if I were to eat and you were to simply sit and watch…

Liszt: I’ve seen you eat before, Frederyk. *Sips his tea*

Chopin: *Blinks* *Not knowing what to say, looks down and smiles in slight amusement*

Rubio: *Brings the breakfast into the living room with a tray*

With the morning excitement still clouding Liszt’s mind, he had yet to experience the whole impact this humorous incident truly had upon him. As he sipped on his tea, chatting with Chopin over nothing of importance, he was not aware at all of how his heart began to understand something his mind had yet to realize.

*Scene fades to Chopin and Liszt chatting as Chopin ate and Liszt drank his tea*


Prologue: [link]
Chapter One: [link]
Chapter Two: [link]


Chapter Fifteen: [link]

Chapter Seventeen: [link]

I had fun writing this one. =D
© 2009 - 2024 Waterfiish
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Chopinetto's avatar
Hahahah this one was my favorite XD It was funny how Freddie freaked out over a spider. :P